The Alcochem UV-A Meter is a powerful selling tool and an important quality assurance tool in HACCP Food Safety Programs. The UV-A meter is an absolute UV-A meter. This means that it can accurately measure the absolute UV-A light intensity from any lamp, or other UV-A source. Measured in mW/cm² .
Since UV-A light is invisible to the human eye, this is most important, as it is the only means by which you can determine if a lamp is actually working or not.
When you install an insect-trap from Alcochem the UV-A meter you can identify the right area on the wall. By finding the lowest UV-A background the unit will on the best place on the wall.
Shedding light on increased sales and new clients with the Alcochem™ UV-A Light Meter
The improved UV-A meter is able to measure the level of the UV-A light given off by a UV-A lamp. Flying insects are drawn towards UV-A light with a specific wavelength peak of 360 nm. The higher the amount of UV-A light generated by a UV-A lamp, the more efficiently it will attract flying insects.